the Regional Operational Program (POR) co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) has the objective of inclusive growth, sustainable and intelligent part of a social dimension strengthened. With this in mind, work, education, training and research are areas of intervention and investment that Lazio Region intends to put in place for the development of a modern society, equitable and inclusive, where everyone is guaranteed the 'acquisition of citizenship skills needed to enter the world of work and participate in the economic and social life. The objectives are realized within the framework of intervention Aces and provide specific priorities in allocating resources (except the Axis 5, non-priority), and in particular:

Axis 1 - Employment (€ 414,153,326)

Axis 2 - Social Inclusion (180.5 million euro)

Axis 3 - Education and Training (238.5 million euro)

Axis 4 - institutional and administrative capacity (EUR 33.28 million)

Axis 5 - Technical assistance (€ 36,101,388)

Total: 902,534,714 Euros  

The total budget of the ESF POR Lazio 2014-2020 is EUR 902,534,714. The Community contribution is equal to 50% of the total (EUR 451 736 077 550), the remaining 50% is covered by national and regional resources.

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