The Rural Development Program, or PSR, is the main operational tool for programming and financing for interventions in agriculture, forestry and rural development in the region. Through the work of the regions, in fact, the PSR allows each EU member state to use the financial resources that the Union itself provides in agricultural and rural areas.
The PSR can be defined as the application in the region, in agriculture, the National Strategic Plan (NSP) in which the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies - MiPAAF - sets the strategic priorities of the sector basing on the Community Strategic Guidelines ( OSC) resulting, in substance, by the second pillar of the common agricultural policy (CAP) which is the basis of the European agricultural model of multifunctionality. That is an agricultural world can also provide for the preservation of culture, heritage and the environment of rural areas, as well as, of course, for food production.
The strategic priorities of the regional PSR are, therefore, represented by the sum of the national strategies and the information derived from a thorough analysis of the needs arising from the territory. The PSR is thus translated into concrete activities of these declined strategies according to the needs of a particular region.
Specifically, in recent years the programming of the Rural Development policy has been part of the implementation of the "Europe 2020 Strategy" which each RDP should help to promote economic growth in the EU smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and based on achieving five goals for improvement in terms of employment, education, poverty reduction, climate change and energy.
For the period 2014-2020 were therefore established three strategic objectives:

  •     improving the competitiveness of agriculture;
  •    sustainable management of natural resources and climate action;
  •     a balanced territorial development for rural areas.

For rural development these three objectives have been translated into six priorities:

  1. promote knowledge transfer in agriculture and forestry and rural areas;
  2. enhancing competitiveness in all its forms and profitability of farms;
  3. encourage the food chain organization and risk management in agriculture;
  4.  restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems dependent on agriculture and forestry;
  5.  encourage the efficient use of resources and the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors;
  6. promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas.

To ensure greater integration capabilities, all in the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds), including the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), focus their support on achieving the main objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and they are coordinated as a common strategic framework (CSF) and, at national level, the partnership.
The latter document is the national framework that all regional PSR must meet to ensure the consistency of their specific planning and coordination and integration with the actions of all the ESI Funds.
On 17 November 2015, the European Commission approved the RDP 2014-2020 Lazio.

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